15 Years of Fire Suppression

Originally published July 7, 2014 at tigerschmittendorf.com

Recently I had the opportunity to participate in what I thought was going to be a “speed recruiting” event at a local high school, unaware until I got there that the tables would be turned and I was the one who was going to be interviewed.

More than 30 high school sophomores, juniors and seniors rotated through dozens of tables occupied by a variety of employers and business people, with each student asking us, “What do you do on a daily basis?”

If you know anything about my unconventional and widely varied role in emergency services, you know that’s a difficult question to answer as my activities vary greatly from hour-to-hour, let alone day-to-day.

After enjoying several great but albeit, three-minute long conversations with some very impressive, well poised and focused high-schoolers, the last student to interview me caught me completely off-guard with his response to my line of questioning.

A nice looking and fit young man dressed in a neatly pressed shirt and tie saddled up to the narrow, cocktail-like round table with high-back chairs that I was sitting at: Table 15.

As most of the other students started by asking me what I did for a living, I thought I’d go on the “offensive” with this last student and ask him about his plans for the future.

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Destiny & Gratitude

Originally published at TigerSchmittendorf.com – January 22, 2015

My mentor Bob Newell

I’ve never really bought into the whole idea of spirituality in terms of auras and orbs and such, but I have to admit that I had somewhat of an out-of-body experience today.

Bob Newell, who I’ve spoke and written about at length, has been on my mind all day as it was seven years ago today (1/22/2008) when I lost my dear friend and mentor. As I do every year on this sad but celebratory anniversary, I share a story about my connection to him and my hope that I’ve inherited some of his finer qualities.

This year is no different in that herein I’m writing about that connection once again – except that today, this connection took a very unexpected twist and a new direction.

I recently joined the Buffalo-Niagara chapter of the Association of Talent Development, most recently the American Society of Training & Development, at the recommendation of our county’s employee training coordinator Patti Brammer. Like my purposely reading Fast Company and other publications that have virtually nothing to do with our business of fire and emergency services, I joined ATD as an extension of my practice of looking outside “my practice” for solutions to the challenges we face in our industry.

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The Exit Row

Originally Published: October 30, 2017 – TIGER SCHMITTENDORF

Scott Geiselhart, Jared Meeker and Tiger Schmittendorf connect at the New York State Fire Chiefs Conference in June-2017

While most of my return trips from FDIC – the Fire Department Instructors Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana have been unremarkable, I’ve shared previous experiences of traveling home from this conference that have had an impact on my outlook on life.

However, the way my most recent trip home from FDIC2017 played out is nothing short of a miracle.

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Missing a Mentor: What about Bob?

The following is the eulogy I wrote for my friend and mentor Bob Newell, shared at his funeral in his firehouse on January 27, 2008.

Good morning.


Since last Tuesday night – the night that tore us apart inside – and the same night that brought us all together; we have mourned the loss of Robert E. Newell.

As I was leaving the funeral home last night, I told Bev: “Tomorrow, we’ll celebrate.”

Tomorrow is here. So, today we CELEBRATE the life of Bob Newell. It starts NOW!

To say Bob had a certain way about him – is like saying water is “helpful” in putting out fires. He was a real character.

You never had to wonder how Bob felt about a person or a subject. Did you?

His honesty was at times cutting – surpassed only by his caring for others. You always knew where Bob stood on a matter. And for that, I loved him.

In fact, Bob was a lot like the drink he enjoyed most: fine scotch.

He was smooth, colorful and 100 proof.

Bob Newell loved to teach and students loved to be taught by him, young and old, experienced and green. I don’t know of many of our fire service leaders who never took a class from Bob Newell sometime in their career. His reach crossed county and state lines, career and volunteer.

Bob was most in his element when in the classroom or on the training ground. He exuded pride in training his replacements and took great satisfaction in teaching new recruits.

And he didn’t just teach them how to be firefighters; he taught them how to be great firefighters.

In addition to all of their requisite skills, Bob taught them discipline and teamwork. He taught them to respect their officers, their peers and themselves. He taught them that the road to leadership begins by being good followers.

Bob put them back in line when they stepped out, and he was never shy about offering a verbal kick in the pants where appropriate.

I remember him “booting” a new recruit from our second Firefighter 1 Boot Camp. He told him to pick up his “stuff” and promptly escorted him out the door.

But, Bob knew how to impart grace too.

He followed the recruit outside and coached the young man on the importance of authority and respect in the fire service.

After a time long enough to scare the crap out of the other students, Bob then allowed him to return and apologize to the class – and that new recruit is now a good fireman.

Bob taught many valuable lessons that way.

Bob was also adept at applying a gentle nudge just at the right time to boost his students’ confidence when they doubted their capabilities.

He wasn’t just a great teacher; he was a great listener too. Several of Bob’s students have since shared stories of how Instructor Newell listened to their troubles and then talked them down “off the ledge” of quitting a class or even the fire service.

He was a good judge of character and could tell pretty quickly if you were a good investment. If he saw the smallest glimmer of hope for your success, he invested everything he had in helping you reach your goals.

He never, ever, allowed anyone to fail themselves.

He taught his students about life in general, life as a firefighter and the importance of loving this job and all that it has to offer, good and bad.

Bob was a rare breed. He was both old school and cutting edge at the same time.

At age 63, and just a few years into his retirement, Bob was not one to slow down or cut back. He was always the one pushing us, always exploring new innovations and embracing new technologies and techniques.

He… was on top of his game.

His dedication to his family and the fire service were unmatched and his legacy will live on for years to come.

Bob Newell was a good firefighter, a great instructor, a class act and a generous friend.

And if you knew Newell like I knew Newell… I know you’ll agree.

Lastly I’d like to address Bob’s two families. For those of you who have been around the fire service, you know that being a firefighter is like leading a double life. There’s the life with your real family, and then there’s the life with us, your other family.

While Bob was integral to both of his families, I envied him for achieving success at balancing the two, always keeping his first family first: Bev, Rob, Jay and John.

But we also know that Bob immersed himself in his second family, this great fire department, for almost 40 years.

Bob Newell was not only in the Hamburg Volunteer Fire Department – but the Hamburg Volunteer Fire Department was in him too.

You don’t have to look far around this fire station to see Bob Newell’s thumbprint. He left a lasting impression on physical things like the training room and the maze – and on the faces of the people who share his love for this fire department.

I know how proud he was of Hamburg because he spoke of your successes often. Bob was always testing people to be their best – as he knew we were capable of.

And he sure put his fellow firefighters to the test this week with implementing the very firefighter funeral program that he had fostered.

You have stepped up to the challenge and done an outstanding job, each and every one of you, together as a team, just the way Bob taught you.

I know he is beaming with Hamburg pride as you honor him today.

Bev, thank you for keeping Bob grounded and balanced by frequently dragging him away on vacation – while we were dragging him in a million other directions.

While there was never any doubt whether Bob had his priorities straight, you made sure he took time out of his so-called retirement to be with his other loves: you, the boys, their girls, and your grandchildren.

He was never shy about talking about his pride in – and love for – each of you, and how much he enjoyed every moment he spent with you.

Anyone who knows anything about firefighters knows that it’s not us who are making the sacrifices. Missed meals, birthdays and other important family gatherings are just more opportunities for us to do what we love.

The people making the real sacrifices are the people who love us – the ones who are left behind when the siren sounds.

Bev and boys, I know you made some real sacrifices with Bob’s dedication to serving his fire department and his community; but please know that it was not in vain.

He did more for the Village of Hamburg Fire Department and our fire service – than we will possibly ever realize.

Thank you for sharing him with us. Thank you for the gift that was Bob.

Bob liked quotes from famous firefighters, never taking into account that he was a famous firefighter himself.

I selected this quote from Edward F. Crocker, Fire Chief of the Fire Department of New York from 1899 to 1911; that I think speaks of who Robert E. Newell was:

I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman.

The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one,
but those who know the work
which a fireman has to do
believe his is a noble calling.

Our proudest moment is to save… lives.

Under the impulse of such thoughts the nobility of the occupation thrills us
and stimulates us to do deeds of daring,
even of supreme sacrifice.

I said earlier that the celebration of Bob Newell starts right now. So, in that vain I hope to leave you with a smile, a snicker and as Bob would have it –a smart-ass remark.

Bob and I had pet names for each other. I called him “Newelldorf” because I felt bad that he didn’t have as many letters in his last name as I did.

He routinely called me “wise guy” or “smart ass” – and used them interchangeably.

Our secretary Debbie just told me Friday that he would ask for “Tigger” whenever he called the office. I didn’t know that. Trust me, I’ve been called worse.

As many of you know, I talked to Bob just a few hours before he passed away. We exchanged the usual “mutual harassment” and made lunch plans.

He ended the conversation by saying, “OK Wise Guy, I’ll see you on Friday.”

I said, “You’re buying and I’m eating,” which was how all of our lunches went.

This brief contact left me with a smile.

Later that evening, I experienced the privilege of being with his family and his fire service family as we started the mourning and remembrance process – the way Bob would expect us to: together.

This week’s events made me remember something that Bob had told me before he retired in 2000.

He heeded me a warning.

He said: “Schmittendorf… when I retire, I’m going to be the biggest pain in your ass… and the best friend you’ll ever want.”

Newell… truer words were never spoken.

The Fire Service Sales Advantage

Originally penned: December 15, 2010. Edited: November 26, 2017

I’ve always been a storyteller. My wife claims that I embellish but I’ve told her a million times: Don’t exaggerate. (Please hold your applause til the end of the article.)

Several years ago, in a corporate world far, far away from where I am now in my career, my boss forced me to strongly recommended that I take a Dale Carnegie Sales Advantage Course as a means of elevating my professional goals to the next level. Read more of this post

Why We Should All Want to be a Fireman

Clay-300x300I’ve known local WYRK Radio Personality Clay Moden for several years and in different circles, but even I was caught by surprise when he shared this ‘true confession’ about his life long dream to be a firefighter.

Although he hasn’t joined our ranks [yet], his confession does explain a lot about why he’s always been a very vocal supporter of the volunteer fire service (and everything else that is right about America).

I’m proud to know him and call him a friend – even if he only helps us from the sidelines. I hope his story inspires others to step up and join our service.

By at least my definition, Clay Moden is definitely a RuntotheCurb.com kid!

Here’s his story:


And if he ever wants to fulfill his dream, I know a guy…

PS – Clay: Thanks for the plug for our Erie County NY Volunteer Fire & Emergency Services Recruitment Campaign: iVolunteerFIRE.org


Dad’s Sidekick: Chief Brian Taylor

10514897_10202278920675104_1695580206_nAs you can see in this photo, being a firefighter was a lifelong dream of mine.

18199333_10213092893940736_8938572403190730248_nAs a child, I went to the fire station with my dad every chance I got. Dad was a volunteer firefighter and EMT in a small Northeast Ohio for 33 years. Read more of this post

Love Story Forged by Fire

Shiloh and ClintonBy Shiloh MacCabe Powell:

This is a story I wrote last year. This is a story about love and friendship, and about the day that Clinton asked me to be his wife, one year ago today:

Our story began long before we met. Shortly after I moved to Alaska, I took a job in aviation at a company called MarkAir. I worked on the ramp, loading cargo and bags on to airplanes- mostly 737’s. Most of my coworkers were male. It was a very physical job, and as a woman- I knew I had to work twice as hard to look half as ‘good’ as the men. So I did. I have never been afraid of hard work. Several of the guys were pretty immature. Many were not. I made some lifelong friendships in the couple of years I worked there (1993-1995). I met one of the greatest men I have ever known during that time. He was my supervisor. He was in charge of making sure we got the airplanes turned around on time and loaded properly. Andy Mullen was his name. Read more of this post

Eagle Eye

CLEAN THE LITTERBOX NOTEFor me and I’m sure many others, February 12, 2009 was one of those moments in your life where you’ll always say “I remember exactly where I was, what I was doing … at the moment I heard of the crash.”

My wife Laurie and I have always had an unwritten rule that we don’t swear in front of our kids and hold to that today, even with them in their twenties. Six years ago tonight I was watching the movie “Eagle Eye” with my then 16-year old son Alex. My pager went off for about the sixth time that day and I immediately let out an involuntary “Ho—ly Sh**!”

Sensing that something obviously wasn’t right, Alex asked me: “What’s wrong Dad?” Read more of this post

A Good Fireman Retires – FDNY Capt. Al Hagan

“A Good Fireman Retires” – Capt Al Hagan-Beloved Fire Officer & Union Leader (REPRINTED FROM: The Secret List)



An old friend (and one of the original TSL subscribers) Captain Al Hagan has retired from the FDNY. Al was also President of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association IAFF Local 854.

www.ufoa.orgMany of you will also know Al as a popular FDIC and Firehouse Expo Instructor-among many other classes and seminars-you are definitely fortunate to have spent time with Al .

He is absolutely one of a kind.

Al retires almost 41 years working as a Firefighter (E-36), Lieutenant (L-44) and Captain (L-43). He retired Saturday morning, August 30th, effective at 0900….Labor Day weekend. He is also retiring as President of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association. In Al’s words: “Collectively, it was a wonderful experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world!  I’d like to thank all of you that were kind enough to help.”

Take a moment to read and enjoy the below story from The Chief Leader.

Even if you haven’t met Al-take a look at the below for a great lesson in leadership-at the firehouse-and at the political level:


A GOOD FIREMAN-CAPTAIN AL HAGAN:al-hagan-president-ufoa

Alexander Hagan last week had already removed all of his personal photos from his office: the many snaps of his family, but also the one that captured himself in a very different time-in gym shorts as a young man who competed in five marathons when he wasn’t fighting fires.

As he got ready to retire on Aug. 30, the Uniformed Fire Officers Association President and Fire Captain, now 64, looked back fondly on a time when on nice days, he sometimes ran the 13 miles to work.

Smoke Took a Toll

Those days have slipped past, ended by a bum knee and the chronic bronchitis and cough that have plagued him for more than a decade. The lung problems recently sparked a diagnosis of reactive airway disease, a condition that can result from exposure to noxious substances and that has been called “occupational asthma.” Mr. Hagan said he might have gotten it even if he hadn’t spent months cleaning up at the World Trade Center site after Sept. 11. Read more of this post